Friday 12 February 2016

Simple Machines

Simple Machines
The word ‘machine’ is derived from Greek word- ‘mechane’ which means ‘an ingenious device or invention’
     ·A mechanical engineer develops machines. 
- The machines make our task easy and life simpler.
-A machine is anything that reduces human effort.
-Anything that simplifies work, or saves time is a machine.
There are two types of machines: Simple and Complex machines.
Q1) How different are the roads constructed along a hill than the ones we have on plane areas?
Ans) We have flat, straight roads on a plane surface, whereas the roadways along a hill are constructed in a circular way and are at an angle so that you move upwards or downwards.
Q2)  Why do you think the roads are inclined and go round and round, why are  they not built straight up the mountain?
Ans) Such roads are seen in case high mountains. If a straight road is constructed to reach to the highest peak of the mountain, the plane would be too steep and thus would not be easy for either walking or driving in a vehicle.
Q3)  Why do you think their ramps constructed in public places?
Ans) For the disabled  people to walk easily or move with the help of a wheel chair or a similar aid.  
Q4) Give few examples of pulley that you see usually around?
Ans) Used to draw  water from a well, flag poles, etc.
Q5) Does  pulley works only in one direction?
Ans) No, it may work on both the sides depending on the way it is fixed or it assembled to work.
Q6) Why can we not use the screw cap instead of the nail/screw?
Ans) The cap has the grooves from inside, which will not be of any help to hold the big photo frame on the wall for a long time.
Meaning of the term lever:

-An object or a joint that helps to lift and object is called as lever.

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