Wednesday 24 February 2016

Our Social Reformers

Our Social Reformers
--Like there are Freedom fighters who have fought in the history to free India from the British; however the Indian society was also trapped in the evil practices. There were Social reformers who worked hard to uproot such evil customs and traditions.
--Meaning of the terms social reformers- these were people who worked for eradicating the evil practices from the society and brought up a new change in the society that helped us to move towards a better future and thus better life.
® Raja Ram Mohan Roy- banned the sati system
®  Savitribai Phule- educated the women
®  Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar- worked for upliftment of status of women in India.
Savitribai Phule
-First woman prime minister of India- Indira Gandhi
-First Indian to become Miss World- Rita Faria
-First woman president of India- Pratibha Patil
-First woman Governor of a State in free India- Mrs. Sarojini Naidu(1925)
-First woman to climb Mount Everest- Bachhendri Pal
-First woman chief justice of a High Court- Mrs. Leela Seth
-First woman pilot in Indian Air Force- Harita Kaur Dayal
The weapon of education and will power has driven these woman to reach these heights and the lady who sacrificed her life for educating the girl child in the Indian Society is Savitribai Phule.
Education is the only key for empowerment- Savitribai Phule, realised the importance of educating the women of the society.  She then vowed to serve for the educating the girl child of the society and  worked accordingly inspite of all the odds and protests she had to face from the dominant members of the society. She is known to be the FIRST LADY TEACHER.
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Q1) Why was Ishwar Chandra bestowed with the title of Vidyasagar?
Ans) He was hard worker and studied many subjects.
Q2)  Why was he known as Dayasagar?
Ans) He worked for the poor and needy people of the society at his own expense.
Q3)  What did he strongly protest to?
Ans) He strongly protested against polygamy,child marriage.

A lot of struggle and sacrifice we are enjoying the liberal life  style today. We should never forget the sacrifice of these people and should not misuse any  freedom or right that is given to us by the government or the family or from any one for that matter. A humble person always comes out to be a wise man.

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