Wednesday 27 January 2016

Health and Diseases

Health and Diseases
To stay healthy, we need to:  
· follow proper hygiene
·  exercise
·  have a correct posture
·  rest
·  eat healthy
Health: Scientists define health as a state of complete physical and mental well being.
-Meaning of mental well being. Stress and tensions also lead to several health problems like diabetes and hypertension. So to stay healthy we should have a healthy mind.
Communicable diseases:
®  Typhoid
®  Tuberculosis
®  Malaria
®  Influenza
Diseases are of two types:
i)  Communicable diseases
ii)                   ii) non communicable diseases

Q1) What are the conditions that can affect the spread of diseases?
Ans) Unclean surroundings, sneezing and coughing of an unwell person.
Q2)  What are some ways we can stop communicable diseases from spreading?
Ans) Using face masks, washing hands with antibacterial soap, covering the sneeze or cough, etc
Non-communicable diseases :
 ®Heart disease
®  Obesity
®  Diabetes
®  Cancer
®  Nutritional deficiency diseases

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