Friday 11 December 2015

Traders to Masters-Extra Questions

Traders to Masters
In July 1497, a young man, started an adventurous voyage through the sea route from Portugal. In the quest of India, this young man named Vasco da Gama; sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and kept navigating through all the odds of the sea day after other and finally landed to his desired destination
-India. May 20, 1498, it took a year for Vasco da Gama to reach the Indian Coast of Calicut. A year later Vasco da Gama returned to Portugal with a ship full of Indian spices and goods.The Portuguese were astonished to see the wonders of India in his ship and by 16th century the trade route was established between the two countries. Towards the end of 16th century, the Dutch, the English and the French followed in the footsteps of the Portuguese.
Q1) What do you understand form the story?
Ans) Vasco da Gama-Portugal voyager discovered a sea route from Portugal to India and this led to establishment of trade relations between the two countries.
Q2)Who followed the Portugal in India?
Ans) Dutch, English and French.
Q3) What is the name of the company established by the British in India?
When was it formed?
Ans) East India Company-EIC.In 1600.
Q4) Who granted the permission to the EIC for trade with India?
Ans) The Queen Elizabeth I.
Q5) Who secured the rights of British for trade in India?
Ans) Jahangir,the Mughal Emperor.
Q6) Where was the first factory of the British established?
Ans) Surat.
Q7) Name the other two places where subsequently the branches of EIC were
Ans) Bombay and Madras.
Q8) Which place became the headquarters for the EIC operations?
Ans) Bombay.
Q9) What did the English exchange with Indians for trade?
Ans) Gold and silver coins.
Q10) How did this lead to increasing poverty among the Indians?
Ans) British collected higher revenues and taxes from Indians that they had to payin cash.
Q11) Incase of failure to pay taxes what action would the British official take?
Ans) They would seize the land.
Q12) Who was the Nawab of Bengal, when the company was in full forces of
acquiring political rights in Bengal?
Ans) Siraj-ud-daulah.
Q13) What caused the defeat of Siraj -ud-daulah in the war against the British? Ans) His leading general Mir Jafar betrayed him and plotted a plan to kill the Nawab.
Q14)After which battle, Mir Jafar became the Nawab of Bengal?
Ans) Battle of Plassey.
Q15) Which was the next battle that seemed to mark the beginning of struggle for
Ans) The Battle of Buxar.
:-)The first railway line was the Red Hill Railroad line, Madras. It opened in 1837 and was use for the carriage of granite stone. While the first passenger railway line ran from Bombay to Thane in 1853. The same year Dalhousie opened the first telegraphic line from Calcutta to Agra and also introduced the postal service to India
Q16) What caused the revolt of 1857?
Ans) The discontent among the Indian people constant trials of conversion of Hindus into Christians, the Enfield rifle greased with cow fat and pig lard.
Q17)How did the British treated the Indian soldiers of their troops?
Ans) They would insult them for no reason, moreover the soldiers of the lower grade were the Indians, who would have to fight whereas the higher ranks were allotted to the British soldiers.
Q18) How did the introduction of Enfield rifle ignited the revolt?
Ans) The Enfield rifle was greased that was made from cow fat and pig lard
-this act hurt the Hindu and the Muslim religious sentiments and the people rebelled against the British.
Q19) Name the places where the revolt of 1857 took place?
Ans) Calcutta, Awadh, Kanpur, Jhansi, Meerut and Delhi.
Q20) What was the reason for failure of the revolt of 1857?
Ans) Inefficient leadership and lack of strategy of Indian rebels.
Q21) Why did the revolt came to be known as First war of Independence?
Ans) The revolt spread quite quickly and extensively through
major parts of India and though it failed, it ignited the minds of Indians to fight against the British rule for freedom.
Q22) What happened after the failure of the Revolt of 1857?
Ans) The rule of East India Company came to an end but, Queen, Victoria was declared the empress of India.
Q23) What promise did the Queen proclaimed for the Indian messes?
Ans) That  the Queen shall look after the welfare of the Indian people.

Thank YouJ

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