Friday, 30 October 2015

Computer - Algorithm and Flowchart

Extra Questions 

Q.1 Write an algorithm and flowchart of waking up in the morning.
Q.2 Write table of 12 in your notebook and try to prepare algorithm        for it.
Q.3 Write an algorithm to divide two numbers.
Q.4 Write an algorithm  and flowchart to cross the road.
Q.5 Write an algorithm for taking attendance in a class.
Q.6 What is loop?
Ans A Programming structure in which a set of statements is         
repeated based on whether the condition is true or false is called a loop.

Reroduction in Plants

1)What will happen if there will be a day when no trees will be left on earth?
Ans) No living being will be able to survive, there will be no rains, therefore no water, therefore no life.
2) How important is therefore the existence of plants on earth?
Ans) It is the most  important and integral part of earth, which aids the existence of all the other forms of life.
 3) Do you think that all the plants and trees that we see in our surroundings are the ones that were born during the origin of earth?
Ans) No
 If no, what must have been the aid for the re-growth of the plants?
Ans)By the  means of seeds, flowers, stem, roots, spores.
--Reproduction- Giving birth to new offspring
-In case of plants, producing new plants is reproduction in plants.
--In some plants, new plants can be grown with the help of roots, stems, flowers, fruits, seeds and leaves. This form of reproduction is called as vegetative reproduction.  While most plants reproduce by the means of seeds.
® Some plants reproduce by producing spores.
- Among the seed bearing plants, the flowering plants dominate the non flowering.
Petals: Often brightly coloured in order to attract birds and insects.
Sepals: Holds the petals and other parts of the flower.
These are small leaf like structures,
®  green in colour
®  at the base of the flower
®  protects the flower when it is in bud stage
®  form an outermost layer calyx
Stamen: Anther and the filament that holds the anther
®  stamen forms the male part of the flower
--The female part of the flower  is called as pistil or carpel.
® Pistil is composed of three parts
  Stigma- lies at the top and is sticky and has coarse surface
 ®  Style- holds the stigma and is hollow tube that reaches the base of the flower
®  Ovary-lies at the base and forms the core of the flower, tube of the style opens into ovary.
Parts of flower
à Stigma
à  Style
à  Ovary
à  Anther
à  Filament
à  Petal
à  Sepal
4) Name the reproductive parts of the flower?
 Ans) Pistil and stamen.
5) What happens to the anther of the flower?
Ans)  It is carried to the stigma of the same or another flower of same type. 
6) How is the stigma of the flower useful in the process?
Ans)  After the anther  reaches the stigma the anther moves inside the tube like structure- style of the stigma, in order to reach the ovary.
7) How does the pollen and the ovary together form the seed?
 Ans) The ovule  present inside the ovary fuses with the pollen and fertilisation takes place that gives rise to the seed. 
8) What type of pollination is it when the pollen of one flower is transferred to  the stigma of another flower of same type?
Ans) Cross pollination 
9) What type of pollination is it when the pollen of the flower is transferred to the stigma of the same flower?
Ans) Self pollination
Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma of the plant.
The requirements of a seed in order to grow into a healthy plant: 
®  right type of soil
®  right amount of water
®  oxygen
®  sunlight
®  temperature
-- After everything is available to the seed in right proportions, the seed starts developing- this process is called germination.

10) What will happen if the seed is sowed in right kind of soil?
Ans) It will not grow properly or will not grow at all. 
11) What will happen if we over water a plant?
 Ans) The soil will get eroded or the seed will rot and therefore the plant will not grow.
12) What does a seed requires for growing?
Ans) Right kind of soil, right amount of water, right temperature, oxygen, sunlight
13)  What helps in pollination of a flower?
Ans) Wind, insects, animals.

---Seeds travel to places by natural forces that help them to reach to distinct places and grow there,
  this is called as seed dispersal.
14) Name the seeds shown in the visualiser.
 Ans) Coconut, dandelion, cocklebur, cucumber, apple 
15) Which out of the five seeds is the heaviest?
 Ans) Coconut 
16) Which out of the five seeds is the lightest in weight?
 Ans) Dandelion 
17 )What is the special characteristic of the cocklebur seed that makes it different from others?
 Ans) It has a rough/ has tiny spine like structures on its surface. 
18) How does this special feature of the seed help it in dispersal by animals?
 Ans) It helps the seed to cling on the animal body.
19)  How the hair like whorl on the dandelion seed helps it to disperse through wind?
Ans) It gives the seed the flight and remain in air, till it reaches the right place.
20)  Where do apples grow?
Ans )In orchards
 21) Do you think that wind or water dispersal is possible for these seeds?
 Ans) NO 
 Ans) Wind - because it is inside the fruit, therefore cannot fly in air, unless  open;
          Water- because apples do not grow near water bodies.

Friday, 16 October 2015

The United Nations

Important points from the chapter The United Nations and Classification of Plant Kingdom

1)How many countries had initially participated in the UN charter?
Ans) 51
2)What is the total number of countries that are members of the UN charter at  present ?
Ans) 193
 3) Name the three countries that are excluded from being members of UN?Ø
Ans) Washington, Taiwan, Kosovo
 4) What are the aims of the UN?
Ans)-Work for world peace and security of the nations,
 -promote friendly relations among the nations,
 -betterment of humanity by protecting human freedom and rights,
- economic and social well being,
-remove racial and religious discrimination's
- help members to fulfill these objectives
5) What does the UN logo comprise of?
Ans) The world map surrounded by a wreath of olive branches and the background color is blue.
6) How many organs of UN are there?
Ans) 6
7)  Where are the headquarters of the organs of the UN?
Ans) Except for the  International Court of Justice all headquarters are situated in New York.
8) The bodies that function within the UN:®
 1. Security Council
 2. General Assembly
3. Economic and Social Council
 4. The Secretariat
5. The Trusteeship Council
6. The International Court of Justice
Classification of Plant kingdom
-All the plants fall under one category- Plantae 
-Study of plants is called as Botany and the scientists that study plants are known as Botanists. Botanists classify plants into different categories depending upon the  similarities and dissimilarities between them.  Primarily plants are classified into groups on the basis of: roots, stems, flowers,fruits, seeds and leaves.
1) How does this tree absorb water from the soil and carry it to the leaves?
Ans) Roots absorb the water and the stem carries the water to the leaves.
 2) How do aquatic plants absorb water?
Ans) Through their leaves,through the  roots.
-On the basis of the structures that help them to absorb water into two groups:
3) Name the two groups in which kingdom Plantae is divided?
Ans) Vascular and non-vascular. 
4) On what basis is the kingdom Plantae divided into these two categories?
Ans) On the basis of the structure that helps the plants to absorb water. 
5) What are the key characteristics of the non-vascular plant group?
Ans)These  plants lack true leaves, stem and roots.
6)  What are the key characteristics of the vascular pants?
Ans) The plants have well  developed stem that is build up of vessels that help in absorbing and
transporting water and food to the plant and form the plant. 
 --Vascular plants are further divided into two groups
1) Vascular plants with seeds
2) Seedless vascular
Flowering plants:
- have great diversity among the family
-are found in almost all types of habitats on earth, except the extreme cold®
-climatic zones  display a vivid range of adaptations that enable them to survive in different
geographical regions and climatic conditions
- have broad leaves help in absorbing the maximum sunlight and increase the
 efficiency of photosynthesis  shed leaves during cold or dry climates to avoid water loss.
-Many flowering plants have modified parts roots or stem, which  For e.g.:·store food and water in them. 
 Modified roots: sweet potato, beetroot, turnip
 Modified stems: ginger, garlic, onion
--Cotyledon: Part of the seed, stores food for the new plant that develops  this part is called as cotyledon.
--Some plants bear seeds that have only one cotyledon, such plants  are classified as Monocotyledons .    --Whereas some plants have seeds that bear two cotyledons, such plants are  classified as Dicotyledons.
--A root system which is composed of one main root and many thin roots branching off from the main root is called as taproot system’. 
--A root system which is has no dominant root, but has many thin  thread like roots is called is called as fibrous root system.